Friday, November 4, 2011

Pregnancy Massage is Good Therapy!

Pregnancy Massage is Good Therapy!

Good Therapy Massage believes that “Creation is the proper form of love,”and in contemplating this quote i realize two things the first being that life goes on, and the second being that something so complex as the human being (in my opinion) could not have morphed into something from something in nature. 
The experience of pregnancy is a time for the "mother to be" to get used to the idea that life is growing inside her and that that life is coming full force and is a force that will fight to exist for the rest of its time on this earth.  We all struggle from that first breath we take  until our last breath is taken.  As a massage therapist it is my responsibility to bring the massage experience to my clients to the best of my ability, and in my experience I have found that my clients who have experienced prenatal massage enjoy the emotional connection that is experience with their baby during their massage session.  The wonderful release of serotonin and dopamine released during the massage brings about that a "zen"  feeling that is completely and utterly beyond words.  The release of muscle tension and lactic acid that has built up in the muscle cells and structure begins to circulate back into the blood stream and out the body with the rest of the bodies detox thereby helping the body to rest better, recuperate more quickly, and in general relax more effectively.  Pregnancy is probably the hardest thing a woman could subject her body to, and making the decision to do so should be rewarded with the benefits of pregnancy massage.  All of my clients who have come to me for pregnancy massage have responded well to all the wonderful benefits that pregnancy massage provides. 
Studies done within the last 10 years have shown that hormone levels associated with relaxation and stress are significantly altered, leading to mood regulation and improved cardiovascular health, when massage therapy was introduced to women’s prenatal care. In women who received bi-weekly massages for only five weeks, hormones such as nor epinephrine and cortisol (“stress hormones”) were reduced and dopamine and serotonin levels were increased (low levels of these hormones are associated with depression). These changes in hormone levels also led to fewer  complications during birth and fewer instances of newborn complications, such as low birth weight. The evidence points strongly to maternal and newborn health benefits when therapeutic massage is incorporated into regular prenatal care.  Other potential benefits of prenatal massage include:
·         Reduced joint pain
·         Improved circulation
·         Reduced edema
·         Reduced muscle tension and headaches
·         Reduced stress and anxiety
·         Improved oxygenation of soft tissues and muscles
·         Better sleep
 Incorporating Pregnancy Massage Into Your Prenatal Care health program is the best "Good Therapy"  a person could do for themselves.  The benefits of massage can improve the overall prenatal health for many pregnant women.  Along with the guidance and advice of a prenatal care provider, massage therapy can be incorporated into a routine prenatal care as an emotional and physical health supplement proven to improve pregnancy outcome, and maternal health. Consult with your midwife or obstetrician before beginning any new therapeutic practice.
Taking personal responsibility for the well being of your own body and the well being of your future child is the greatest gift you can give to your self and to your child.  It is teaching the future by example, and also preserving the body that you were given when you yourself were created and born.  Remember that the body is scared and a temple, and as a mother to be you are the guardian of the future that has been created within you.  As always thanks for reading my blogs.  Remember to find something everyday that can be incorporated into your own search for "Good Therapy"
Peace!  Harmony!  Balance! 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for these info, BambooButterfly! My wife would definitely agree with you about the prenatal massages. During her pregnancy, she said that her stress level shot through the roof. I searched the net and found out that prenatal massages can help soothe pregnant women. I immediately looked for a massage clinic that caters to woman in her condition. Gladly, we found one near our home. It definitely saves her from stress of pregnancy. [Gregg Mulherin]
