Friday, November 4, 2011

Pregnancy Massage is Good Therapy!

Pregnancy Massage is Good Therapy!

Good Therapy Massage believes that “Creation is the proper form of love,”and in contemplating this quote i realize two things the first being that life goes on, and the second being that something so complex as the human being (in my opinion) could not have morphed into something from something in nature. 
The experience of pregnancy is a time for the "mother to be" to get used to the idea that life is growing inside her and that that life is coming full force and is a force that will fight to exist for the rest of its time on this earth.  We all struggle from that first breath we take  until our last breath is taken.  As a massage therapist it is my responsibility to bring the massage experience to my clients to the best of my ability, and in my experience I have found that my clients who have experienced prenatal massage enjoy the emotional connection that is experience with their baby during their massage session.  The wonderful release of serotonin and dopamine released during the massage brings about that a "zen"  feeling that is completely and utterly beyond words.  The release of muscle tension and lactic acid that has built up in the muscle cells and structure begins to circulate back into the blood stream and out the body with the rest of the bodies detox thereby helping the body to rest better, recuperate more quickly, and in general relax more effectively.  Pregnancy is probably the hardest thing a woman could subject her body to, and making the decision to do so should be rewarded with the benefits of pregnancy massage.  All of my clients who have come to me for pregnancy massage have responded well to all the wonderful benefits that pregnancy massage provides. 
Studies done within the last 10 years have shown that hormone levels associated with relaxation and stress are significantly altered, leading to mood regulation and improved cardiovascular health, when massage therapy was introduced to women’s prenatal care. In women who received bi-weekly massages for only five weeks, hormones such as nor epinephrine and cortisol (“stress hormones”) were reduced and dopamine and serotonin levels were increased (low levels of these hormones are associated with depression). These changes in hormone levels also led to fewer  complications during birth and fewer instances of newborn complications, such as low birth weight. The evidence points strongly to maternal and newborn health benefits when therapeutic massage is incorporated into regular prenatal care.  Other potential benefits of prenatal massage include:
·         Reduced joint pain
·         Improved circulation
·         Reduced edema
·         Reduced muscle tension and headaches
·         Reduced stress and anxiety
·         Improved oxygenation of soft tissues and muscles
·         Better sleep
 Incorporating Pregnancy Massage Into Your Prenatal Care health program is the best "Good Therapy"  a person could do for themselves.  The benefits of massage can improve the overall prenatal health for many pregnant women.  Along with the guidance and advice of a prenatal care provider, massage therapy can be incorporated into a routine prenatal care as an emotional and physical health supplement proven to improve pregnancy outcome, and maternal health. Consult with your midwife or obstetrician before beginning any new therapeutic practice.
Taking personal responsibility for the well being of your own body and the well being of your future child is the greatest gift you can give to your self and to your child.  It is teaching the future by example, and also preserving the body that you were given when you yourself were created and born.  Remember that the body is scared and a temple, and as a mother to be you are the guardian of the future that has been created within you.  As always thanks for reading my blogs.  Remember to find something everyday that can be incorporated into your own search for "Good Therapy"
Peace!  Harmony!  Balance! 

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

GooDTherapY - The Art of Persistence!

The Websters Dictionary defines the word persistence "as the quality that allows someone to continue doing something or trying to do something even though it is difficult or opposed by other people".  Persistence is also defined as the "state of occurring or existing beyond the usual, expected, or normal time".  The above definitions lead us to believe that to be a person of persistence one must have the ability to be a persistent person.  The wherewithal to persist.  In the world of massage a therapist exists for the client, and the client exists for the therapist.  We rely on the client to need massage, and the client relies on us the therapists to provide a quality service which brings wellness and/or relaxation.  Those that have the ability to persist are the ones who come out in the end successful in providing what clients need.  But what do we do when financial hardships arise on the public that we so diligently try to provide our services too.  As a massage therapist I am experiencing cutbacks just like many others in this economy, and in order to overcome the natural inclination to give up I find that I have to be persistent, and true to myself and my scope of practice in order to continue to see success come my way.  But this is not easy!  I believe that many of us in this line of work give in to the demands of the public (those individuals who just are looking for a break, a discount, a coupon, or a handout).  These individuals are not real faithful, or loyal customers, and really do not want to take advantage of the truly wonderful benefits of massage, but rather they just want to experience "something nice"  but don't want to pay for what a service is genuinely worth.  Don't get me wrong!  Its really nice to experience the occasional "financial discount" when needed, but as a practice I do not take advantage of using them just so I don't have to pay someone what they charge or what they are worth!  I try to live by the adage that a person "is worthy of their hire"  this means that a person is worth what they put into their service or product, and if it is truly worth it then I believe that paying for it no matter the cost should be honored and respected; the flip side of this is that if something is not worth its price for what ever reason (quality etc.) then the art of negotiation is required to establish what it is worth.  The goal is to make yourself and your service worth its weight in gold (so to speak!) so that its worth is not questioned.  Believing in your product, and your service, as well as your self will only boost your sales and the quality of your work.  Don't sell yourself short!  Figure out what you are worth and "sell it!"  Be persistent in your goals and do what it takes to convince Joe public that you are worth every penny that you charge!  Take courage in knowing that the service your provide is worth the hard work you put into learning it.  It is a part of who you is the time to rise up and prove that you are worth it!
Peace!  Harmony!  Balance!
until next time! 

Thursday, August 4, 2011

How I Found GooDTherapY!

Being in my mid 40's has found me at a cross roads in my life.  Until I started as a massage student I seemed perfectly fine to just exist in my daily life, putting up with daily stress, and in general thinking that my pain would be just that a daily occurance...Several years ago I worked for a company that provided several times a year massage therapy for its employees.  This was my first exposure to massage and its many benefits.  I remember telling the therapist that her services were the best therapy that i had ever received for the physical pain that I was in.  After I left that job I did not see her again nor did i receive any more massage,...and until last year I had gone on living in a lot of pain without any kind of help or relief.  For years now I have been suffering from lower back pain, joint pain, and emotional pain...In 2008 I married a wonderful man, and low and behold I became a mom for the first time at 41!!  With the birth of my son, and the realization that he had cerebal palsy I found myself tending to his needs as an infant and then as a toddler.  He goes to his own therapy for physical and occupation therapies.  As a result i learned to tend to his needs as mother and as his therapist.  Being a massage therapist for a two year old now three year old is interesting but i have learned the value of massage at its very best.  So when I started as a student for massage at Bellus Academy I originally wanted to specialize in rehabilatative massage.  But after being exposed to the many modalities of massage and how each benefits anyone and everyone I now know that it does not matter what you say you specialize in massage is massage; and if your purpose is clear, and your intentions pure, and your heart humble, and mind in the right mindset not only will you help your clients find the GoodTherapY that they deserve; you will find GooDTherapY for yourself as well.  Remember GooDTherapY is all around you!  With a little creativity, and some inspiration, GooDTherapY can be found!  As a massage therapist it is my job to encourage you the client in finding the GooDTheraY that will work for you. 
until next time
"life happens so GET a massage!!!!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Dancing is GooDTherapY! I made this comment to my sister Ava recently about how if every body started dancing then there would be less negativity in the world.  I think my comment was really that if more people were dancing there would be less war!  And this (again) started me thinking about how this simple concept could change the whole world, and every one who lives in it.  A few years ago the country artist Lee Ann Womac came out with a song that goes something like this...
"I hope you never lose your sense of wonder
you get your fill to eat but always keep that hunger
May you never take one single breath for granted
God forbid love ever leave you empty-handed
I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean
Whenever one door closes I hope one more opens
Promise me that you'll give faith a fighting chance
And when you get the choice to sit it our or dance
I hope you dance...I hope you dance
I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance
Never settle for the path of least resistance
Livin' might mean takin' chances but they're worth takin'
Lovin' might be a mistake but its worth takin'
Don't let some hell-bent heart leave you bitter
When you come close to sellin' out reconsider
Give the heavens above more than just a passing glance
and when you get the choice to sit it out or dance
I hope you dance... I hope you dance
Time is a wheel in constant motion always rolling us along.
Tell me who wants to look back on their years and wonder where those years have gone.
I hope you dance... I hope you dance
Never in all my years as an adult, friend, lover, woman, or mother have I ever come across a poem, or prose that could change society, and make a change for the better as this song so beautifully does.  I think that is what good therapy is all about.  This song is definately good therapy!  The world is the world and will never change by itself, it is incapable of changing as a whole.  But, individuals can change and thus with that change society and the world can become a better place.  Change is not feeling better about who you are, change is not physically becoming someone you were never meant to be, and change is not telling others how to have a better day.  change is all about grabbing who you are on the inside, shaking it up, tearing down your guard, looking at the world through the eyes of God, and seeing for the first time that the world is a hurting entity who needs change...Scars run deep, and we all have them.  They never go away, but finding GooD TherapY helps them to be manageable; so that we can continue to be flexible to do things like...Dance, and Love, and Seek, and Heal.  Thank you to all who read this blog.
Peace!  Harmony!  Balance! 

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Find "Good Therapy" Everyday!

"Tension is who you think you should be.  Relaxation is who you are"
Chinese Proverb
So I find this great quote and I use it on my menu of services.  When I found it I thought this is great it will add some depth and wow to my layout.  But then I really started thinking about what this proverb is really saying.  I think most people would agree that tension is a part of life, and life helps to create who we are in this world.  The sad thing is that most of the american public spends a good part of their day talking about the negative aspects of their life...whether its the doctor appointment, or the behavior issues with jr, or the marital issues, or the money issues, it all comes down to this tension is a part of our life because we allow it to be not just a part of our life but the central part of our life.  Imagine this we wake up in the morning relaxed with a big smile on our face, humming as we get ready to start our day.  We do our morning stretches, eat a fablulous breakfast, and drive to work in traffic still with that smile on our face, and feeling totally relaxed as we catch each red light, and stop on a dime because the lady at the cross walk decides to cross the street as we are making that right hand turn, but we dont see any of this because we have started our day with "Good Therapy!!"  Mentally, preparing ourselves to go through the day instead of surviving the day.  Good Therapy begins with a mental overhaul, making the conscience effort to be relaxation instead of just relaxing.  How do we do that you might ask?  Its different for each person, but for me it begins with a prayer, or meditation, that has to do with equipping the mind to take on the day.  Shielding the mind from negative influence, and mentally putting on armour to protect the mind, body, and spirit from the world.  Lets face it the world is not a nice place and every day we go out into it and we are not prepared mentally and emotionally, physically, and spritually we are setting ourselves up to fail.  Being responsible for our own being depends on our willingness to take care of it.  If one person in each family across the globe made this change it would in affect change the whole entire world.  All it takes is just one of us to do that.  I am that person in my family.  Every day I tell myself that I am responsible for my own mental well being, and I choose to be relaxation.  It does not always work out the way I want...I am human (ha, ha), but I find that I have more days that are stress free then I had before.  It also frees me from guilt, and helps me to be free from taking on other peoples issues.  And I have discovered that when I allow others to be responsible for themselves I am more free then I could ever have imagines...Whoever the author is of said wonderful quote had me in mind when he put it together and in reality it is this great quote that is the foundation to what I define as "Good Therapy"
peace! harmony! balance

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

What is Good Therapy!

I believe that Good Therapy is a mental, emotional, and physical balance to the body that we were created with.  Since i am new to the whole blogging thing i thought i would start off by sharing a few thoughts on my holistic approach to what i call "good therapy".  I believe that the body we have is sacred, and it is our birthright and responsibility to take care of what we have been given.  There is no cure all, and their is no one thing that we can take or do to make this body we have been given better than what it all ready is.  Some say the body is a machine, some say it is a spiritual temple, some say that it is a bag of bones, and some say that it is a spiritual entity that is trapped in a physical essence waiting for the day it is set free...well who to say that none of these suggestions is not correct.  Maybe the body is all these and so much more.  Determining Good Therapy for ourselves depends on our needs physical, emotional, and mental needs.  Good Therapy is how we maintain homeostasis, and it is how we find balance to deal with everyday life and the stress that comes with living this that is through excercise, nutrition, massage, art, music, it doesnt matter  what we do to find our balance could be a combination of all the above.  Dealing with stress and life and moving forward in a positive direction, gets us closer to the end result...and what is that end result?  that has to be determined by you and only you.
for now this is the bamboobutterfly
peace!  love!  and harmony!